The CPR System
Developed in 1995 as an Alternative to the Green Dot
With the introduction of the Green Dot by the DSD (Duales System Deutschland) in Germany in 1992, the recycling of sales packaging was thereafter propagated as the solution to all waste disposal problems. The avoidance of waste and reuse systems took a backseat. Nana Petzet’s counter model, the CPR System (Collecting Preserving Researching), takes as a point of departure the term “Wertstoff” or “valuable recyclable material” propagated by DSD: if the trash marked with a Green Dot really is “valuable material”, which I have paid for, then why shouldn’t I recycle it myself and determine a new function for it within my own household? While the plastics recycling of DSD turns out to be a technically and energetically elaborate transformation of a high-value product into a product with notably inferior characteristics, the material directly processed as part of the CPR System retains its value. Above all, the spread of the CPR System can contribute decisively to basic principle of reducing garbage in the first place: once a household is fully equipped with waste paper baskets made of plastic bags, wall carpets made of milk cartons and soap dishes made of champagne corks, then the fundamental issue of waste avoidance automatically crops up again, more urgently than ever.
1 The DSD’s “Green Dot” symbol with its intertwined arrows reminiscent of yin and yang is intended to highlight the idea of the cycle.
2 The symbol of the CPR System: the eye and the tree in the tear symbolize the responsibility of each individual for their environment.
3 Before the actual recycling, all the different packaging must be separated once more in the sorting plants according to material type.
4 Milk cartons are washed in the bathtub. Reykjavík, 1998
5 In the CPR System, the decision on the number and type of collecting containers as well as the specific categories for collecting is left to the participant.
6 If a household collects for the Green Dot, sales packaging made of metals, plastics and composites is placed together in one container – emptied of residues and as dry as possible.
7 Recycled products the DSD: the necessary sorting purity for such high-value products can often not be achieved.
8 Milk cartons, unfolded and cleaned, are an ideal material for toiletry bags, room dividers or doormats.

Ill. 1, 3, 6, 7: Duales System Deutschland AG
Ill. 4, photo: Olafur Gíslason
Ill. 5, 8, 9, 10, photos: Stefan Exler
Ill. 11, video: Manuel Zonouzi
Ill. 14, photo: Quirin Leppert
Ill. 15, 16, chart: Michael Kress
Ill. 19-21, photos: Barbara Stenzel
Ill. 22, photo: Bernhard Schaub